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Return Policy

1. If you want to cancel your order and get a refund, please contact us before shipping. No cancellation requests will be accepted once the merchandise has been dispatched.


2. Please contact the customer service team to arrange a return. We need to know your order number, the item you want to return, and the reason for the return. We do not accept items returned without any notification.


3. Please ensure that the goods you return are unopened and in original packaging. Unwanted merchandise must be in original condition and any retail seals must be intact.


4. We do not provide return freight collect (FTC) service. You need to pay the shipping cost yourself.


Refund policy


1. Once we receive your item, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your returned item.


2. If your return is approved, we will issue a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment). You'll receive your points in up to 20 business days, depending on your card issuer's policy.


3. For more information, please leave us a message on our website.



Please contact our customer service for a return address, please do not return items to the address listed on our website.

[email protected]

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